Surprising The Bully Novel Free PDF

Surprising The Bully is the first book within Deanna Samaan’s True Love series. It is a teen romance book, which themes are in-line with the title. It is all about a male bully encountering another oppressed teen. Meet Keira, the plus-sized girl in Surprising The Bully, along with “the naughty boys”: Kevin, her twin brother, and Adam, the popular guy and also the main bully.
Earlier in Surprising The Bully, we know that Keira and Kevin are supposed to grow together in a loving environment. Even though Kevin is way thinner than his twin sister, Kevin is in no way harming his beloved sister.
The loving sibling relationship between Keira and Kevin seems to meet its end the moment Keira knows Kevin befriends Adam, the popular “It” guy at school, and joins him to mock her.
No longer wishing to wallow in her sadness, Keira seeks help from one of her female friends to change her appearance. Here is where the stories of Surprising The Bully start to have twists. Will the two naughty boys own their mistakes and start treating Keira respectfully?
Discover new content on-the-go with Wehear- Part 1: Meet The Characters Of Surprising The Bully
- Part 2: Story Of Surprising The Bully
- Part 3: Meet The Author Of Surprising The Bully
Part 1: Meet The Characters Of Surprising The Bully

Keira, the female MC of Surprising The Bully, is known as the plus-sized girl in her senior high year. She never has any luck in getting close to the boys; even her twin brother starts to join the bullies to make fun of her. Since bullies have been the recurring theme of her life, I can see Keira’s mind associates boys with bullies at all times.
Keira knows she has to change, and she knows where to seek help from. These things are the things that I admire about this female MC of Surprising The Bully novel. She eventually gets what she wants, even though she can’t instantly make the bullies fall in love with her.
The Naughty Boys

The Naughty Boys in Surprising The Bully are the informal nickname I use to address the boys who bully Keira, at least in the first few chapters of the Surprising The Bully novel. The main bully is Adam, the popular “It” guy at school, and the secondary bully is Kevin, Keira’s twin brother.
Being the tall, handsome, outgoing, and popular boy at school, it’s easy for a boy like Adam to turn out to be Keira’s #1 biggest bully. Adam and Kevin share the same interest, and that one interest is football. Adam takes delight in bullying seemingly-inferior girls like Keira, while Kevin just plays along.
Part 2: Story Of Surprising The Bully

The stories in Surprising The Bully begin by telling the readers how loving and beautiful the childhood moments of the twin siblings are. The first few paragraphs in Surprising The Bully are all about Keira and Kevin, two kids who may look so identical from the outside but are so different from the inside.
Keira is the shy and passive wallflower, while Kevin finds it easy to socialize with the rest of the children. Anyway, their striking differences don’t stop there.
Since Keira rarely participates in sports activities, Keira gains weight faster than her twin brother. Kevin, who actively participates in football, basketball, and other sport games, quickly get a lean body and forms tons of friendships.
Unfortunately, in Surprising The Bully, not all of Kevin’s friends are nice to his twin sister. For instance, he is a friend to Adam, the handsome and popular “It” boy at their school, but is also someone who feels disgusted over an inferior girl like Keira.
His unhealthy friendships at school eventually lead Kevin to distance himself further from his twin sister and join Adam and the gangs in bullying Keira.
Bullies have become Keira’s daily meals, and in her adolescence, she has also gained some weight, too. Even so, at some points in Surprising The Bully novel, Keira can no longer stand what she has experienced. It’s fortunate that she has a supportive female friend.
This supportive female friend doesn’t only help her in figuring out her physical weakness, but also goes with her in shopping for the right clothes.
The moment these two girls appear before Kevin and Adam is also the moment in Surprising The Bully novel when Kevin and Adam start to realize their faults. Anyway
Discover new content on-the-go with WehearPart 3: Meet The Author Of Surprising The Bully

Deanna Samaan, the author of Surprising The Bully, is one of Dreame’s authors who specializes in writing romance stories. I see her as one of the rare Dreame authors; after all, Deanna Samaan loves to write teen romance stories with humans as the central characters, even though she also writes some romance stories that involve werewolves.
Surprising The Bully by Deanna Samaan doesn’t only stay as the first book in the True Love series. Instead, it becomes the most popular book by Deanna Samaan. Right now, the book has been read 570,000K times. Personally, I also find Surprising The Bully both understandable and enjoyable to read.
Keira kind of reminds me of my adolescence. Well, I wasn’t that “plus-sized”, yet, I frequently get bullied for my appearance. The sultry vixen transformation part doesn’t only become a turning point in this novel; if I could get back to my adolescence, that is the thing that I wish to do To get revenge on those naughty guys.
As for Deanna Samaan herself, she currently lives in Florida. She loves going to the beaches, and Disneyland, and taking care of her puppies. I’m thinking of wonderful moments here!!
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